Takedown Read online
Page 21
“She said she hates to ask but you’re her last resort,” my attorney said, repeating her words back to me.
I’m her last resort…She wants me to use my money, not to help her, but to help the man who cooked his crack in our basement and finds guys for her to fuck. She won’t talk to me, won’t let me help her or take care of her, but she wants me to help him.
I hang up with my attorney after telling him I need to think about this. I consider calling Mila, but then remember she’s at work. So instead I call Tristan, and as the phone rings, I realize my hands are shaking. I’m so fucking pissed…so fucking hurt…I’ve spent years wishing my mom would come to me and when she finally does, it’s to help him.
Tristan answers the phone, and for the first time in my life, I lose it. I tell him about my mom and my dad and her pimp. I yell and scream and curse the goddamned world to hell. My words aren’t directed at him and he knows this. He just listens quietly while I let it all out. I yell about her not wanting my help, about her not trusting me. I scream and curse, and when I stop talking, Tristan asks, “So what are you going to do?”
“I’m not giving her a goddamned dime of my hard-earned money!” I shout. “Fuck this, and fuck her! She’s not getting shit.”
“Mason?” I spin around and see Mila standing in the doorway looking nervous. This is exactly why I called Tristan. I don’t want to bother Mila with my bullshit. Take my anger out on her.
“Hey Tristan, Mila just got home. Let me call you back.” Tristan tells me to call him any time before we say goodbye.
“Where’s Alec?” I ask once I’ve hung up the phone, ignoring her silent question.
“With his dad for the weekend. Is everything okay?” She tries to steer the conversation back to me but I’m not ready to discuss this rationally. It all feels too raw.
“Can you do me a favor and put the conversation about the phone call you overheard on hold? It was regarding my mom and I just… I need to calm down before I discuss it. Why don’t we go away? You and me. Two nights on the beach. Your birthday is in a few days. We can celebrate early.”
She smiles softly. “That sounds nice.” I feel myself sigh in relief that she let me get away with not discussing my mom, and grabbing my laptop from the end table, I find us a hotel and book it.
“Let’s pack and head out. We can check in as soon as we get there.”
Mason asked me to give him some time before we discuss what happened with his mom, and I agreed. Mostly because I was in shock over the one-sided conversation I heard. He was so upset about her asking for money I was frozen in fear over telling him I lost my job. Not that it’s the same thing, but I didn’t want to add to his frustration. The last thing he needed in that moment was me telling him I’m no longer employed, and him feeling like he needs to take care of me, which isn’t the case. Instead, I’m hoping after our weekend away, I’ll find a new job, and we can celebrate instead of stressing over me losing this one.
A couple hours later, we pull up to Hotel Casa Del Mar. It was once an exquisite private beach club designed to reflect on the Italian Renaissance in the early 1920s. It’s since then been restored and turned into a luxury hotel. I’ve seen it many times when visiting Santa Monica beach but I’ve never stayed here.
After checking in, we head up to our suite, which is beyond gorgeous. The first room I check out is our bedroom. A huge handcrafted king size bed takes over the room. My hand runs along the comforter and you can tell it’s of the highest thread count. I step into the bathroom and notice striking marble covering the spacious area. There’s a large spa tub and a separate shower. I walk out of the bathroom, back through our bedroom, and into the living room. On the far side is a large window giving us the most amazing view of the Pacific ocean. It almost looks like a picture, it’s so perfect. When I press my forehead against the window and strain my neck to the right, I can see the Santa Monica pier and the multi-colored Ferris wheel.
“Do you like it?” Mason asks, coming up behind me. I turn around, my back pressing up against the warm glass and look around him. The living room isn’t like a traditional hotel room, instead it reflects its original European style. All the dark wood furniture appears to be hand crafted just like our bed. The sofas and love seats are plush with floral patterns accented with gold tones.
“It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. I would’ve been happy with the Marriott.” Mason chuckles, and the sound reverberates down my body, straight to my core.
“I know but I want this weekend to be special. We have reservations for dinner.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. “And then I was thinking we could go for a walk on the beach.”
“Could we…maybe…get room service and eat up here?” All I can think about is having Mason inside of me on that plush king-sized bed. My legs squeeze together, and Mason smirks.
“You totally want to stay up here and have sex.”
I feel my cheeks heating up. “No!”
“Yes, you do. I bring you to a luxurious hotel, and you want to spend the weekend in bed.”
“Oh my god! That’s not what I said.”
“You don’t have to say it.” His hand pushes between my legs and his fingers find their way up the side of my shorts and into my panties. “You’re soaking fucking wet.” His fingers run over my slit, and my entire body shudders when he lands on my oversensitive clit. “Jesus, Mila. Fuck going to dinner. I’m about to make you my meal.”
He pulls his hand back out of my shorts and lifts me up, my back hitting the window with a thud. He carries me to the bed where he deposits me in the center then positions himself over me, one muscular thigh on each side of me. Pulling my shirt over my head, he reaches around behind me to undo my bra. Then he sucks my nipples for a few seconds before he makes his way down my body. After pulling my shorts and panties off me, he proceeds to show me just how hungry he is as he feasts on my pussy until we’re both completely sated.
“I completed all the items on your profile.” We’re sitting on the blanket Mason bought us in a shop on the Santa Monica pier. He wanted to rent us a Cabana in the Terrazza Lounge at the hotel, but they’re indoors, and this woman needs to feel the sand between her toes. I’m lying on my belly, my upper half propped up on my forearms, reading a book on my iPad. Mason is lying next to me except he’s on his side facing me with his head resting on a balled up towel as he runs a finger up and down my back. I’ve noticed Mason loves to touch me. Whether it’s holding my hand, putting his arm around my shoulder, or simply running his finger along my body. He seems to need to touch me in some way. The thought makes me smile.
“Huh?” I click my iPad off to give Mason my attention.
“Your list…the one on the dating site. Going to the beach to read was the last one.” I think about this for a moment, trying to remember my profile, and now that I’m thinking about it, he’s right. The fondue, the picnic, the movies. He’s used my list to make sure I’m happy. I know Mason has insecurities about being in a relationship. He’s constantly afraid of failing, so I know when he says this, he’s referring to the fact he’s accomplished everything I asked for. He’s not bragging, but instead seeking validation.
“You did.”
Mason’s quiet for a beat before he says, “I want a new list.”
I turn over to my side to face him. “A list of things I enjoy?”
“A list of things you want to do that will make you happy. Like your other list.” Oh, my heart.
“That list was just examples of what I like to do. I wrote it to keep the creeps who just wanted to have sex away.”
“But it’s everything you do love, and every time I complete something from that list you’re happy. You never ask for anything. How do I know what will make you happy?”
I scoot closer to Mason, and his hand rests on my butt. “You make me happy. Just you.”
“But you were married to Gavin, and he didn’t make you happy. I must be doing someth
ing different, right? I thought it was the list.”
I think for several seconds how to word my answer. “When Gavin and I got married it was because I was pregnant. We were so young. We were dating but we never would’ve lasted. What kept us together was Alec. Our life turned into a routine, which is okay to a certain extent. Life is a routine. We have to work and go to school and be adults. But I found myself feeling lonely. Gavin loved video games and I wanted attention. He was starting his real estate firm but never wanted to talk about it. We weren’t partners. We were just two people living together, raising our son. I wanted him to see me as more than Alec’s mom, but when he would give me attention, I was left feeling unsatisfied. I was craving intimacy, companionship. It was when I met you in the hospital everything changed.”
“Me? I told you I wanted to fuck you.” Mason laughs.
“It wasn’t what you said. It was the way you looked at me. Like you wanted to devour me.”
“Oh, trust me. I did.”
I giggle and slap his chest. “You made me realize I was settling, and when I got home, my mom and I talked about it. I told her about you. How I wanted a man to look at me and want to devour me like you did. I wanted the spark, the intimacy, the connection. She told me it took her finding my stepdad to learn how incredible and fulfilling a relationship can be, and then she told me life was too short to settle. A few days later she died.”
“Jesus, Mila. I’m so sorry.” Mason squeezes my arm.
I can feel the tears forming but I refuse to let them fall. “A few months after she died, I told Gavin I wanted a divorce and he agreed. I thought finding someone would be easy, but it wasn’t. Life with a toddler was hectic. I was working fulltime and I guess I gave up. Until you. It’s not about what we do that keeps me happy. It’s that I’m doing it all with you. You’re my best friend, my partner, my lover.”
“I still want that list.” His face is serious, and like always when he gives me that look, I don’t bother arguing.
“Fine. I’ll write up a list of my wants and needs just for you. First item on my list”—I run my fingers down his tanned muscular torso, and once I get to his swim shorts, I squeeze his dick softly—“afternoon sex with Mason in our massive tub.” I wink and he grins.
“Your wish is my desire.” He stands and scoops me up into his arms. “But first I need to make sure you’re very, very wet.” He throws me over his shoulder, smacking my butt.
“I am wet!” I squeak.
“Nope! Not wet enough, Mrs. Street.” And before I can say anything else he’s running us into the ocean and throwing me into the water.
“Mason!” I hear someone calling my name. Am I dreaming? “Mason! Do you know where my mom is?” I roll over to find Mila’s side of the bed empty. I roll the other way and find Alec standing over me.
“Mason, do you know where my mom is?”
I sit up and rub my eyes with the heel of my palms to wake up. “I’m not sure, Bruiser. What’s going on?” I stand and remembering I’m only in my boxers, I throw on my sweats and a T-shirt.
“My dad’s here to drop me off.”
I follow him out to the living room and see Gavin standing by the front door. “Hey man, what’s happening?”
“I have a meeting with a big client in San Francisco and Alec has no school today. It’s a teacher work day and Mila had assured me she would take the day off to watch him since my mom is out of town.”
I don’t remember Mila mentioning anything about taking the day off when we were eating dinner last night. “She probably forgot.” Then I remember today is her birthday. “What do you say we pick up lunch and a cake and surprise her for her birthday?”
“Yeah!” Alex yells.
“Thanks, man.”
“No worries.”
A few hours later, and Alec and I are pulling up to the doctor’s office Mila works at. I leave the car running with the food and cake in the car, and we run in to surprise her. It’s five ‘til noon so she’s due for her lunch.
“Excuse me,” I say to the woman sitting at the desk. “I was wondering if you could help me?”
She looks up and I can see it in her face when she recognizes me. “Oh my god! You’re Mason Street!”
“Yes, I am. Nice to meet you. I’m looking for Mila Street, my wife.”
The woman frowns then leans in to whisper, “She doesn’t work here anymore.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah…she was let go last Friday.”
“Okay, thanks.” Last Friday? We spent the weekend together, and she never once mentioned she lost her job. And that would mean she hasn’t been working all week, yet every morning she gets up and gets ready as if she’s going to work.
“Where’s mom?” Alec asks as we’re walking back to my car.
“I’m not sure.” Pulling my phone out, I hit Mila’s name to call her. When she doesn’t pick up, I try again. No answer. I have no clue what the fuck is going on, but I’m going to get to the bottom of it. I call Charlie, and she picks up.
“Mason, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Have you talked to Mila?” I put the car in reverse and start driving…where? I have no idea.
“Not today…what’s up?”
“Today’s her birthday.”
“Really? Damn her! She didn’t tell me that!”
“Are the girls off school today?”
“Yeah, want to go to dinner for her birthday?”
“Actually, I need a favor. Can I drop Alec off to you?”
“Is everything okay, Mason?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Of course you can drop him off. I’ll see you soon.”
I drop Alec off, leaving the food and cake for them to eat, and head home to see if Mila is there. When I don’t see her car, I go inside the house. I call her a couple more times but she still doesn’t pick up. When my phone rings, I see it’s a Nevada area code. Not able to deal with my mom right now, I send her to voicemail.
As I sit on the couch, I think about the last week since we returned from the beach. She’s usually full of stories about her pregnant patients, and not once this week has she mentioned any of them. Why wouldn’t she tell me she lost her job? And if she found a new job, why wouldn’t she mention it? None of this makes any sense. Just as I’m about to dial her number again, my phone rings. Same area code as before.
“Mom, I can’t do this right now.”
“I’m sorry. Is this Mason Street?”
“This is Nevada General Hospital. You’re mother, Denise Street, was brought here. She was found in critical condition and you’re her emergency contact.” My heart sinks.
“Is she going to make it?”
“All I can say over the phone is she’s in the ICU. She was severely beaten. She was taken into surgery and the doctor was able to stop the internal bleeding. She has a couple of broken ribs and one of them punctured her lung.”
“I’m on my way,” I say. “I need to catch a flight but I should be there in a few hours.” I stand and see Mila standing a few feet away from me. I didn’t even hear her come in. She’s dressed in her scrubs like she always is when she comes home from work.
I hang up, and we both go to speak at the same time. “You go first,” she says. “Are you going somewhere?”
“My mom is at Nevada General Hospital. She was beaten badly.”
“Oh no!” Her hands go up to her mouth.
“Did you just come from work?” I ask.
“Um…” Her eyes dart around the room. At least she doesn’t lie to me. “I forgot Alec has no school today. Gavin said he was with you.” She looks around for her son.
“He’s with Charlie.”
“Oh, okay. I can go with you to see your mom. Let me see if she can watch him.” She pulls her cell phone out of her pocket.
“Mila, did you just come from work?” She doesn’t look up. “Mila, look at
me.” Her eyes slowly raise to meet mine. “Did you just come from work?”
She shakes her head.
“So where were you?”
“Looking for a job.”
“In your scrubs?”
“No, I have a change of clothes in my car.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you lost your job?”
Mila flinches at the harshness of my tone. “I didn’t want to bother you with my problems. Your mom had just called and you were upset,” she says, her words rushing out like a dam that broke and is flooding the area. “I spent all the money from the photo shoot on paying off my debts. I didn’t think I would lose my job. I was hoping to find one before—”
“You mean you didn’t trust me to take care of you?” I cut her off.
“What? No!” She shakes her head side to side emphatically.
“Then why would you pretend like you were getting up and going to work for the last five days? Why did we spend forty-eight hours together at a hotel and not once did you mention it? You laid there on the damn beach and said the reason we work and you and Gavin didn’t is because we’re partners! Yet you couldn’t even tell me you were let go from your job?”
She starts to open her mouth to speak but I don’t want to hear whatever lie or excuse she’s going to try to feed me. “I need to go to Vegas to see my mom.” I turn my back on Mila and stalk toward our bedroom, grabbing my luggage and filling it with clothes.
“I can go with you,” she offers.
“No, I think I need to do this alone. Plus, I have a bunch of promo shit I need to do for the upcoming fight.” I go into the bathroom and pluck my toothbrush from the holder, grab my deodorant and other shit I’m going to need, and throw it all into the luggage.